Sunday 25 May 2014

Hala Madrid!


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Sunday 4 May 2014

Pitschenberg for Lasalle. The rules for the Scenario

These are the specific rules of the Scenario

Deployment and Reinforcements
Allied units
Hiller’s command must be deployed on the Pitschenberg area (B3-D3). Von Katzeler’s advance guard is in the west bank of the stream in the Breitenfeld area. The Russian cavalry is near Carlsbrunn.
Prussian reinforcements may enter in A5n/A5e/B5 (20%/30%/50%). Russian reinforcements in D4/D5s/D5e (40%/30%/30%)
French units
The 35th Division is deployed in B1-C1. The 28th Light Cavalry Brigade in A1.
Infantry reinforcements (16th Division) may enter at D1w/D1s/D2 (20%/40%/40%). Cavalry reinforcements may enter in D1s/D2 ((30%/70%)
All reinforcements follow the Lasalle arrival rules (p. 91 of e-Lasalle).

Assault of defiles (optional)
1) A column of march can assault a defile like a bridge, a fortified gate, a fort, etc. It represents not only true march columns, but also all those formations with reduced front.
2) It fights at 1/2 dice and with no previous shooting, adding a -2 for "bad terrain" as they will be fighting in cramped quarters.
3) The enemy can use the "cover" or "higher elevation" modifiers when applicable.
3) However the small front, the enemy never halves their dice.

1) Cossacks may charge enemy units standing in 'limbered' or 'march column' formation in open terrain.
2) Cossack units must to pass a 'Discipline' test to initiate the charge in open terrain.
3) If routed in 'decisive combat', the Cossack unit is immediately broken.

Victory conditions
The Allied aim is to reach the duration limit of the game (24 turns) without breaking. Pitschenberg hill is an Objective for the game and the rules of p. 67 and 91 (e-Lasalle) are of application.

A new table map
The tablemap has been modified to adjust it to the real shape of the terrain:

I am not sure about the existence of wooded zones in 1813, since the available maps of the area are modern. Moreover, the fog of war (the actual available terrain pieces) could modify the above design!

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Saturday 3 May 2014

Bunzlau for Lasalle. The full report

I have uploaded the full Scenario and the After Action Report (AAR) of the combat of Bunzlau (August 30, 1813). You can watch the development of the battle that resulted in a drawn battle: a dogged defense allowed the French to retire  unmolested, leaving the battlefield and an intact bridge over the Bober to the Allies, by following the instructions to use the visor.

The next project will be the combat of Pitschenberg, fought some days after, when Napoleon himself took the offensive leading the forces of the Army of the Bober against the Army of Silesia.
Watch this space!

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