Wednesday 25 March 2009

ALKAID issue No. 3

The issue No.3 of ALKAID REVISTA MULTITEMÁTICA is coming out March, 25. This magazine conjugates different fields: science, environment, literature, poetry, wargames… The issue No.3 contains several articles related with Napoleonic history:

Un general de Napoleón a la caza de "El Charro": Monsieur Thiébault and Don Julián
(A Napoleon's General chasing "El Charro": Monsieur Thiébault and Don Julián) by M.A. Martin Mas
A description of the paralel lifes of thes two men, fighting one another during the Peninsular War around the Salamanca-Ciudad Rodrigo area. M.A. Martín is a very known Spanish author specialized in the Peninsular War. The article is illustrated with several drawings of the late Dionisio Álvarez Cueto.

Dionisio Álvarez Cueto: La historia en dibujos by Rafael Pardo
A necronological note devoted to the Spanish draftsman and cartoonist Dionisio Álvarez Cueto, one of the more known anf famous Spanish specialist in historical drwaings and cartoons, illustrated with some of his contributions.

The magazine is in Spanish and is available by subscription. Go to ALKAID EDICIONES web site, , and download the Subscription Form or contact me throught the e-mail address:

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