Capitan Games
Capitan Games is the name of a Spanish company, owned by Miguel Costa. Their philosophy is to provide the miniature wargamers with a 'Print and Play' line of wargaming products, including:
CAPITAN (Captain) for small actions in the napoleonic era (Available in English & Spanish)
CAPITAN CARLIST. A Capitan supplement for the Spanish Carlist Wars, mid 19th century (Available in English & Spanish)
CAPTAIN SPECIAL OP’S Tactical combat in the WWII – Spanish Civil War coming soon- (Available in English & Spanish)
COMBAT WINGS Plane Dogfight actions. Chapter I World War I – Spanish Civil War coming soon (Available in English & Spanish)
CAPITAN DE MAR Y GUERRA – MASTER & COMMANDER Naval actions in the Nelson age (Available in Spanish, coming soon in English)
CORONEL Napoleonic battalion level battles – Carlist Wars supplement (Available in Spanish, coming soon in English)
The system followed by the Company is to make available all the elements: rules, markers, cards.... that can be downloaded free. A high-quality printed version of elements, such game cards, will be soon also available (not free of course!)

The rules are designed for 28/25 mm. miniatures, but you can also use 15mm. miniatures. You can either use the figures individually or grouped on a base.
The miniatures of standard bearers, musician’s, officers and ADC, represent 1 man; in all other cases one figure represents 3 soldiers. A unit of 8 to 12 figures are a section and 3 units make a company.
Each turn of the game is about 3 minutes in real life.
Ground scale is about 1/100; the ground scale differs to the figure scale to allow you playing on a not too large table

The system could be used for a third, small tactical? company-based? game level. However, before to adopt it, I must to study two fundamental questions: (a) the need of rebasing my figures and (b) the solo capabilities of the system
Visit the Capitan Games web site and try their system!
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