Raguhn: the new Lasalle Solo Scenario
The research for the new Lasalle solo Scenario (I am not still sure of the final name) is almost done. As said in previous posts, the French forces belong to Morand’s 12th Division of the Bertrand’s IV Corps, acting as right flank guard of the general French advance towards the Army of Silesia, and to Roussel’s 2nd Lt Cavalry Division (Sebastiani’s II Corps) part of the french advance guard. The Russians are part of the Osten Sacken’s XI Corps, left behind in a dangerous isolation, when Bluecher realized that Napoleon himself was advancing against him at full speed with several Army Corps and tried unsuccesfully to cross the River at Duben (see the Duben Scenario and the corresponding AAR). The actual strategical situation at October 8 is depicted on this re-touched contemporary map (see the original version in Napoleon-Series).
This is a "What if" Scenario not only because the actual history was slightly different and neither Bertrand nor Sebastiani catched Osten-Sacken and, but also because of the solo mechanisms used, only part of the Russian forces will appear on the tablegame (although the French forces do appear in full).
Below we can see the first version of the OOB for the Scenario. It is heavily based on the Nafziger's OOBs.
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Marshall Bertrand |
Army Moral 43 Break point 14
14 Battalions/6 Regiments/3 batteries (11,200 men)
C-i-C Bertrand (+1/*)
12th Division Morand (+1/*)
1st Brigade Belair (-1/¶)
1/8e Leger R/E/SK2
2/8e Leger R/E/SK2
3/8e Leger R/E/SK2
4/8e Leger R/E/SK2
2nd Brigade Toussaint (+1/*)
1/13e Ligne R/E/SK2
2/13e Ligne R/E/SK2
3/13e Ligne R/E/SK2
4/13e Ligne R/E/SK2
3rd Brigade Hulot (+1/*)
1/23e Ligne R/E/SK2
2/23e Ligne R/E/SK2
4/23e Ligne R/E/SK2
1/137e Ligne R/E/SK2
2/137e Ligne R/E/SK2
3/137e Ligne R/E/SK2
1/2 Foot Artillery Foot/3 cannon/Medium/1 Howitzer
3/2 Foot Artillery Foot/3 cannon/Medium/1 Howitzer
II Cavalry Corps Sebastiani (+1/*)
2rd Lt Cav. Division Roussel (-1/¶)
7th Lt Cav Brigade Dommanget (-/-)
4e Chev-Leg Lanciers R/E/Pu/La
5e Hussar Regiment R/E/Pu
9e Hussar Regiment R/E/Pu
8th Lt Cav Brigade Lagrange (-/¶)
2e Chev-Leg Lanciers R/E/Pu/La
11e Chasserurs a Cheval R/A/Pu
12e Chasseurs a Cheval R/A/Pu
7/1Horse Battery Horse/2 cannon/Medium/1 Howitzer
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General Osten-Sacken |
Moral 59 Break point 20 (Theoretical values. The actual ones will depend of the appearing forces)
19 Battalions/6 Regiments/5 batteries/8 cossacks (16,000 men)
C-i-C Osten-Sacken (+1/-)
10th Division Lieven (-/-)
1st Brigade Agatin (-/*)
1/Jaroslav IR R/E/SK1
2/Jaroslav IR R/E/SK1
2nd Brigade Sass (-1/-)
1/Crimea IR R/E/SK1
2/Bieloserk IR R/E/SK1
1/Bieloserk IR R/E/SK1
3rd Brigade Achlestischev (-/-)
1/8th Jager R/E/SK2
1/39th Jager R/E/SK2
2/39th Jager R/E/SK2
27th Division Neverovsky (+1/¶)
1st Brigade Stawicki (-1/¶)
1/Vilna IR R/E/SK1
2/Simbrisk IR R/E/SK1
2nd Brigade Alexejev (+1/¶)
1/Odessa IR R/E/SK1
1/Tarnopol IR R/E/SK1
3rd Brigade Kollogribov (-/¶)
1/49th Jager R/E/SK2
2/49th Jager R/E/SK2
1/50th Jager R/E/SK2
16th Division Repninsky (-/¶)
1st Brigade Rachmanov (+1/-)
1/Okhotsk IR R/E/SK1
2/Okhotsk IR R/E/SK1
1/Kamchatka IR R/E/SK1
2/Kamchatka IR R/E/SK1
Pos. Bat.#10 Foot/4 cannon/Hvy/1 Howitzer
Pos. Bat.#13 Foot/4 cannon/Hvy/1 Howitzer
Lt. Bat. #24 Foot/4 cannon/Medium/1 Howitzer
Lt. Bat. #35 Foot/4 cannon/Medium/1 Howitzer
Horse Bat. #18 Horse/3 cannon/Medium/2 Howitzer
Cavalry Vassilshikov (-1/¶)
3rd Dragoon Division Uschakov (-1/¶)
Smolensk DR R/E/Pu
Kourland DR R/E/Pu
2nd HussarDivision Raskachoff (+1/*)
1st Brigade Yurkpwski (-/¶)
White Russia HR V/E/Pu +
Akhtyrsk HR V/E/Pu +
2nd Brigade Vassilshikov II -(+1/-)
Marioupol HR V/E/Pu +
AlexandriaHR V/E/Pu +
Cossacks Karpov II (-1/¶)
Karpov #2 S/I/Pu
Loukoffkin S/I/Pu
Kutainikov #4 S/I/Pu
Grekov S/I/Pu
Semencikov #4 S/I/Pu
Illowaiski #9 S/I/Pu
Baron Bode S/I/Pu
4th Ukrainian S/I/Pu
Next, the initial dispositions and Scenario rules!
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