Monday, 30 September 2013

Painting time: French Hussars (and V)

I have finished the painting of the four French Hussar Regiments in shako-rouleau using metal 20 mm miniatures from Newline Designs.
See below a series of pictures showing the last steps of the paiting process: glueing, varnishing (with white glue) and basing. As a curiosity, the 'varinishing' with white glue is a very rapid process: when I finished the white glue application on the last figure, the first ones were ready!

After basing. From top to down: Hussar regiments No. 9, 8, 6 and 5
After basing. From left to right: Hussar regiments No. 5, 6, 8 and 9
Several stages in the varnishing with white glue can be seen simultaneously
Several stages in the varnishing with white glue (II)
After flocking. From left to right Hussar Regiment No. 5, 6, 8 and 9
As above
After flocking. From left to roght: Hussar Regiment No. 9, 8, 6 and 5
With this unit, the painting summer season is over!

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  1. They look splendid ! White glue as varnish? Never heard of that before - what is the advantage over regular varnish?

  2. Thanks for your kind words!
    I started to use white glue as 'varnish' some years ago. It is very good for plastic figures, because the figure results covered by a transparent film, that protects it from handling when used in wagames. I also use white glue on metal figures for the same reason.

  3. Great work! I used the white glue before and after painting technique on plastic figures for many years too. Works great and means they hold the paint, trapped between two flexible layers of this glue.

    The 6th seems to be missing a stand...

  4. very interesting this metals NewLineDesign, thanks . good job

  5. Looking great! Yes the glue would be flexible for the plastics.

  6. Excellent work! All of those dashing cavalry troops look great.

  7. They look great Rafa. The idea of PVA glue as a 'varnish' is a good one.
    Any comments on the Newline Designs figures compared with the plastics?

  8. James, Newline miniatures are true 20 mm so they are smaller and thinner than usual 1/72 plastics. However I use both types, without mixing them in the same units.

  9. Rafa - just one thing - do you use the PVA neat or diluted?

  10. Stryker, the PVA is neat. When it dries, it becomes transparent

  11. Newlines are a great range and you've done a really nice job on them Rafa - the PVA coating is a very good idea and works very well with plastics too. The best range of metal 20mm I ever came across was Kennington Miniatures. Brilliant Napoleonics, very reasonably priced and a little larger than Newlines, they matched in well with Revell, Zvesda (the latter the best line of plastics - their Russian artillery is jaw dropping). Sigh... wish I still had my collection!

    Cheers Amigo,

    1. Doc and Rafa, have either of you seen the Franznap figures? They look great on the web. Unfortunately a little expensive for us to get here because of the postage, but we are hoping to have an Australian supplier soon.

    2. James
      I found Napfranz figures and I was considering seriously for my French Line Lanciers, but Newline were cheaper and I chose these last. The Napfranza current range is limited, but I am watching their production line for future units.

  12. Doc. I own some few Kennington personality miniatures, but they are hard to find
