Saturday, 22 June 2013

A (Spanish) comics about Vitoria

The Spanish miniaturist, wargamer and blogger, Alfons Cánovas, is publishing in his blog Miniaturas Militares (Military Miniatures), a series of scanned images of a rare comic book about that battle. The title of the comic is La Batalla de VITORIA (21 DE JUNIO DE 1813) and the authors were Jose Luis Salinas and Adolfo Usero with a text of Hernandez Cava. It was published in 1985 by Ikusager Ediciones at Vitoria-Gasteiz.
See below two samples of the comics (part No. 4)

The full set of scannings can be downloaded following this link

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  1. The comic strip is wonderful, we must be very grateful to Alfons, but why (oh God, why?) does he have to use a random character generator to name the files? Is it a puzzle?

  2. I am unable to understand the way Alfons names the files in all his posts. Sometimes he uses a systematic approach, but most occasions the naming sees to depend on an arcane and unknown reason... I suspect that is his actual mood ;-)

  3. That is so great to see history still kept alive with media like this. Beautiful artwork. Best, Dean

  4. Amazing stuff Rafa - great artwork! Thanks for posting it.
