Friday, 30 April 2010

First movements in Zahna

The French forces have started their frontal attack, forcing the retreat of the Prussian batteries from the first line, at the cost of the loss of a full French battery.

The French infantry is approaching the Prussian line Near the woods, a small cavalry/artillery combat took place. A Prussian Landwehr regiment was forced to retire, after surviving a frontal attack against a Bavarian battery.

An unusual combat!

And the Bavarians reinforcement have arrived.

The Bavarian column Watch this space!

Saturday, 24 April 2010

The Zahna battlefield

The actual battlefield resulted slightly different that the depicted in the first (official) map (see below). The main difference lies on the right Prussian flank, which is not open and in the air, but is actually covered by an isolated farm located into a soaked little valley, traversed by a small stream and surrounded by labour fields, i.e. a zone of rough terrain.
Tauentzien, the Prussian C-i-C, immediately took advantage of that feature, detaching two Reserve battalions, one Landwher cavalry regiment and 1/2 battery to occupy that strong-point, allowing him to menace and fire on the left flank of the expected French attack.

Prussian left-centerThe rest of the Prussian force was disposed in two all-arms lines. The first included two battalions occupying Zalsmdorff, whereas the second line awaited in close support with its cavalry deployed in the left flank.

Prussian center-rightThe Oudinot attack plan is simple: a frontal assault against the Prussian center while simultaneously watching the Prussian farm with one brigade of the 13th Division. The main attack will be carried out by the 14th Division, with one brigade attacking Zalsmdorff and the other breaking through the Prussian units in the open. The 29th (Bavarian) division and the 29th Light Cavalry Division will be maintained in reserve, to deliver the final coup de grâce.

You can see all these dispositions at the main web site.

Capitan Games

Capitan Games is the name of a Spanish company, owned by Miguel Costa. Their philosophy is to provide the miniature wargamers with a 'Print and Play' line of wargaming products, including:
CAPITAN (Captain) for small actions in the napoleonic era (Available in English & Spanish)
CAPITAN CARLIST. A Capitan supplement for the Spanish Carlist Wars, mid 19th century (Available in English & Spanish)
CAPTAIN SPECIAL OP’S Tactical combat in the WWII – Spanish Civil War coming soon- (Available in English & Spanish)
COMBAT WINGS Plane Dogfight actions. Chapter I World War I – Spanish Civil War coming soon (Available in English & Spanish)
CAPITAN DE MAR Y GUERRA – MASTER & COMMANDER Naval actions in the Nelson age (Available in Spanish, coming soon in English)
CORONEL Napoleonic battalion level battles – Carlist Wars supplement (Available in Spanish, coming soon in English)

The system followed by the Company is to make available all the elements: rules, markers, cards.... that can be downloaded free. A high-quality printed version of elements, such game cards, will be soon also available (not free of course!)

In the words of its designer, CAPITAN, i.e. the small tactics napoleonic ruleset, is a selection of rules designed to play battles between small groups of troops, such as advance recconnaisance, convoy escort, guerrilla actions, raids on small towns, border or frontier posts, incursions into enemy territory, actions against advanced camps, and all those situations where specific tasks were assigned to a few troops of their units.... CAPITAN is not a “skirmish” game, but a game system based on the infinity of small battles during the Napoleonic wars.

The rules are designed for 28/25 mm. miniatures, but you can also use 15mm. miniatures. You can either use the figures individually or grouped on a base.
The miniatures of standard bearers, musician’s, officers and ADC, represent 1 man; in all other cases one figure represents 3 soldiers. A unit of 8 to 12 figures are a section and 3 units make a company.
Each turn of the game is about 3 minutes in real life.
Ground scale is about 1/100; the ground scale differs to the figure scale to allow you playing on a not too large table

The system is card driven: each player has a series of game cards for each unit or officier, taht are played until all the cards are used.

The system could be used for a third, small tactical? company-based? game level. However, before to adopt it, I must to study two fundamental questions: (a) the need of rebasing my figures and (b) the solo capabilities of the system

Visit the
Capitan Games web site and try their system!

Thursday, 22 April 2010

The issue No. 7 of ALKAID

Issue No. 7The issue No. 7 of ALKAID REVISTA MULTITEMÁTICA is out from 2nd April. The magazine is devoted to the interaction amongst science, literature, poetry, history, so you can always find an article devoted to one of your interests!

The summary of this issue includes articles about the Large Hadron Colllider, the heavy metals and the environment, the history and evolution of the Planetariums, the last wills and testament of Don Quixote, the Year of Biodiversity, The Posets-Maladetas Natural Park at the Spanish Pirineos, the Pisuerga River, mountain hiking at the Pirineos,...

The magazine is in Spanish and is available by subscription. Go to ALKAID EDICIONES web site,, and download the Subscription Form or contact me in this e-mail address:

Sunday, 18 April 2010

Zahna. A scenario for Lasalle

The battle of ZahnaThe following is the OOB for the Lasalle refight of Zahna. The only non-official items are (1) the existence of a French divisional commander (Guilleminot) not necesary, but included to follow the line of command and (2) the use of one-half batteries by the Prussians.
Both armies are almost balanced in numbers, but the Prussian quality is unknown, since many of the Landwehr battalions are 'Unpredictable'. Ths statistics of the Subcommanders have been adapted from Napoleon's Battles when available, or diced out according to the ruleset.
The Prussians are defending, whereas the French are attacking from the North side of the table (actually the West). The depicted map is very general, and the actual table could be slightly different because of the fog of war!

French Forces: XII Corps (Army Moral 52; Break point 18)
Commander: Maréchal Oudinot Duke of Reggio

14th Division Guilleminot -/-
1st Brigade Grayer +1/-
2/18th Légêre Regiment Reliable/Experienced/SK2
6/18th Légêre Regiment Reliable/Amateur/SK1
1/156th Ligne Regiment Reliable/Amateur/SK1
2/156th Ligne Regiment Reliable/Amateur/SK1
3/156th Ligne Regiment Reliable/Amateur/SK1
2nd Brigade Brun de Villeret -/*
2/ Illyrian Regiment Reliable/Amateur/SK1
3/52nd Ligne Regiment Reliable/Amateur/SK1
4/52nd Ligne Regiment Reliable/Amateur/SK1
1/137th Ligne Regiment Reliable/Amateur/SK1
2/137th Ligne Regiment Reliable/Amateur/SK1
3/137th Ligne Regiment Reliable/Amateur/SK1
2/4th Foot Artillery Foot/3 cannon/Medium/1 Howitzer
1/8th Foot Artillery Foot/3 cannon/Medium/1 Howitzer

13th Division Pacthod +1/*
3/67th Ligne Regiment Reliable/Amateur/SK1
4/67th Ligne Regiment Reliable/Amateur/SK1
3/101st Ligne Regiment Reliable/Amateur/SK1
4/101st Ligne Regiment Reliable/Amateur/SK1
4/4th Foot Artillery Foot/3 cannon/Medium/1 Howitzer

29th Light Cavalry Division Beaumont +1/*
Westphalian Chevauleger-lancier Regiment Shaky/Amateur/Pursuit/Lance
Hessian Chevauleger Regiment Shaky/Amateur/Pursuit
Bavarian Chevauleger Regiment Reliable/Amateur/Pursuit
3/5th Horse Artillery Horse/2 cannon/Medium/1 Howitzer

Artillery Reserve
1/4th Reserve Foot Artillery Foot/3 cannon/Heavy/1 Howitzer

29th (Bavarian) Division
Raglovich -1/
2/3rd Regiment Bavarian Line Reliable/Amateur/SK1
1/4th Regiment Bavarian Line Reliable/Amateur/SK1
3/8th Regiment Bavarian Line Reliable/Amateur/SK1
1/13th Regiment Bavarian Line Reliable/Amateur/SK1
1st Jaeger Batallion Reliable/Amateur/SK2
1st Bavarian Foot Artillery Foot/2 cannon/Medium/1 Howitzer

Prussian Forces IV Prussian Army Corps (Army Moral 54,5 Break point 19)
Commander: Generallieutenant Tauentzien

Detachment Beyer -/-
1/3rd Reserve Infantry Regiment Reliable/Amateur/SK2
2/3rd Reserve Infantry Regiment Reliable/Amateur/SK2
3rd East Prussian Landwehr Cavalry Regiment Shaky/Amateur
1/2 Horse Battery #11 (Borchard) Horse/2 cannon/Medium

First line Dobschütz -/-
1/1st Kurmärk Landwehr Regiment Unpredictable/Amateur/SK1
2/1st Kurmärk Landwehr Regiment Unpredictable/Amateur/SK1
1/5th Kurmärk Landwehr Regiment Unpredictable/Amateur/SK1
2/5th Kurmärk Landwehr Regiment Unpredictable/Amateur/SK1
3/5th Kurmärk Landwehr Regiment Unpredictable/Amateur/SK1
4/5th Kurmärk Landwehr Regiment (Mellersky) Unpredictable/Amateur/SK1
1/2 Horse Battery #6 (Jenichen) Horse/1 cannon/Medium/1 Howitzer
6pdr Foot Battery #17 (Gleim) Foot/3 cannon/Medium/1 Howitzer

1/2 6pdr Foot Battery #30 (Hertig) Foot/1 cannon/Medium/1 Howitzer

Cavalry of the first line Schmitterlöw +1/-
1st Kurmärk Landwehr Cavalry Regiment Shaky/Amateur
7th Kurmärk Landwehr Cavalry Regiment Shaky/Amateur
Berlin Landwehr Cavalry Regiment Shaky/Amateur

Second Line Lindenau -/-
1/2nd Silesian Landwehr Regiment Reliable/Amateur/SK1
2/2nd Silesian Landwehr Regiment Reliable/Amateur/SK1
5/2nd Silesian Landwehr Regiment Reliable/Amateur/SK1
3/3rd Reserve Infantry Regiment Reliable/Amateur/SK2
1/2nd Neumärk Landwehr Regiment Unpredictable/Amateur/SK1
2/2nd Neumärk Landwehr Regiment Unpredictable/Amateur/SK1
3/2nd Neumärk Landwehr Regiment Unpredictable/Amateur/SK1
1/2 Horse Battery #11 (Borchard) Horse/1 cannon/Medium/1 Howitzer
1/2 12pdr Foot Battery #5 (Lent) Foot/1 cannon/Heavy/1 Howitzer

6pdr Foot Battery #27 (Mathias) Foot/3 cannon/Medium/1 Howitzer

Cavalry of the second line Seydlitz +1/-
Brandenburg Dragoon Regiment Reliable/Experienced/Pursuit
Pommeranian Dragoon Regiment Reliable/Experienced/Pursuit
2nd Neumärk Landwehr Cavalry Regiment Shaky/Amateur
3rd East Prussian Landwehr Cavalry Regiment Shaky/Amateur

Wings Illowiaski #3 Don Cossack Regiment (+) Shaky/Irregular/Pursuit

This battle is big for the Lasalle standards, and I am curious about its development.

Wednesday, 14 April 2010

Zahna: the next Lasalle battle

After the succesful re-fighting of the battle of Hagelberg, this time is the turn of Zahna. Fought the 4th of September of 1813, Zahna was a sort of prelude to the battle of Dennewitz.
The Oudinot's French-Bavarian XII Corps (part of the Ney's Army of Berlin) encountered the Tauentzien's Prussian Corps. The actual battle reduced to a French demostration (only five battalions were engaged) that forced the Prussians to retire towards the Bernadotte's Army of the North. Two days later, the battle of Dennewitz would ends the Ney's advance against Berlin.
The battle is described in the Nafziger's book 'Napoleon at Dresden. The Battles of August 1813' (The Emperor Press, Chicago, 1994), and there is an
OOB for that battle in the Nafziger collection, that was recently donated to and uploaded to the U.S. Combined Arms Research Library (See this post). The above map has been found in The Napoleon-Series site.
Whereas the actual engaged forces were very small, the Nafziger's OOB is too big so I have taken an intermediate position to re-fight the battle as a Lasalle wargame: I'll use the French Liberation lists of the Lasalle ruleset, as a guide to find the number of battalions and batteries available to the French. After I'll adjust the Prussian forces to balance the engaged forces.

My acknowledgements to my good friend Armand d'Arc: he suggested me this little battle.

Wednesday, 7 April 2010

Hungarian grenadiers by Armand d'Arc

Again the work of my Argentinian friend Armand d'Arc

This time, Armand show us a batallion of Hungarian grenadiers defending Norden Cota, a fortified advanced post of the Allied (British-German) in his fictional African campaign, near the frontier with the Associated territory.

There are some old Airfix British grenadiers but the ca. 400 men are conversions from different sources, requiring the modelling of the typical chair-shaped headdress.

These men are destined to fight against the Cazadores de Balbastro, the Colonel Pardo's men!

Saturday, 3 April 2010

Hagelberg epilogue

Final cavalry positionWell, I forgot the 'Pursuit an Victory' check in the final turn:
The French had 3 Hussars and 1 Chasseur bases of 'Pursuit' cavalry left, i.e. four points.
The Allied had 12 Cossacks ('Pursuit' cavary) bases left and 4 'other cavalry' units remaining, i.e. sixteen points.
The Allied (winner) has higher score, so it will pursuit the routed French, and the Prussians have achieved a DECISIVE VICTORY.
Bad news for Girard!
See the AAR at Hagelberg (1813)