Saturday, 2 May 2009

Gyulai crushes Marmont!

Breaking news: Lindenau and its vital bridge have fallen to Gyulai hands!
Bertrand has been completely routed and the last remants of his IV Corps (composed from French, Italian, Wurtemberger and Westfalian troops) have crossed the bridge running towards Leipzig, leaving an isolated light infantry battalion in Lindenau.

The only French way to west is now closed by he Austrian Gyulai's III Corps, so Napoleon must try to break throught Bluecher, to find his escape to France.

The narrative is not still written, so see the Scenario at the main-web site


  1. Mon dieu! I hope that the Emperor is not in any personal danger...


  2. He has been seen at the south of Leipzig, leading the victorious eagles against the Austrian and Russian emperors
