Thursday, 17 November 2011

Terrain for Altenburg 1813 (Lasalle)

The terrain for Altenburg is based on the report of General Lefebvre-Desnouettes to Nansouty the day after the combat of Altenburg (see here). The French general talks about 'four defiles' on the road from Altenburg to Zeist. One of these defiles was located in Schelditz, where a bridge crosses a small stream. Between that point and Meusselwitz, there were some cavalry combats where the French cuirassiers were overcome by the Allied.
The terrain depicted in the tablegame is centered in the road between Schelditz and Rositz, and it is based on the Topographische Karte Der Aemter Altenburg Und Ronneburg found by Steven Smith and also posted in the Napoleon-Series forum (see here). Ths approximate terrain scale has been calculated by using contemporary GoogleEarth images and is almost identical to the Lasalle one, that in my case (i.e. using my own units) is 1:1,000.

Next the scenario specific rules!

1 comment:

  1. Fascinating read through on the Napoleonic series, good luck with it.

