Friday 15 February 2013

The new Napoleon's Battles IV Edition

Maybe you, Napoleon's Battles fans, have been following a thread in the NB yahoo group about the possibility of a new re-incarnation of this 24 years-old venerable rulebook. The co-author Bob Coggins has marked tomorrow, February 16, as the date in which an announcement will reveal the name of the company that will market the new Edition.
After the somewhat disappointing experiences with Five Forks (NB-II) and Lost Batallion Games (NB-III), this new venture maybe will mark another Age of Gold for Napoleon's Battles
The only key about the company's identity, according Bob himself, is its European and non-British nationality. French, Italian, Spanish? I have heard (and read) some rumours and my candidate is chosen. To paraphrase a former Spanish president, maybe "those responsible are not in remote deserts or remote mountains"...
Place your bets, ladies and gentlemen!

P.S. However, everything is subject to Earth will survive the passage of asteroid 2012 DA14!

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