Saturday 27 October 2007

Hagelber battle in the Digby's data book

Taken from the oustanding and massive reference work of Digby Smith (a.k.a Otto Von Pivka)

SX Hagelberg, 27 August 1813, clash
A village in northeastern Germany, 50 km southwest of Postdam, just north of Route B246 and 5 km west of Belzig. Known to rhe French as "Lübnitz", a hamlet 5 km north of Hagelberg.
A Prussian victory over the French.
French forces GdB Baron Girard commanding: 18e, 56e and 72e RIdLi; 1st Croatian IR, 1e Carabiniers, 13e HusR (4 sqns); 4 x march sqns.
French total ca 10,000 men, 22 guns
French losses 2,000 killed and wounded; (GdB Baville killed); 140 officers; 2,000 men surrended to the Prussians with 5 guns and 2 howitzers, a further 1,700 with 1 gun and 3 ammunition waggons were taken by Tschernitcheff's Cossacks. The division was effectively destroyed.
Prussian Forces The Corps os Magdeburg and the Lower Elbe of the Army of the North. GM von Puttlitz, GM von Hirschfeldt: 1st Res IR (3 bns); 3rd Kurmark LWIR (2 bns); 4th Kurmark LWIR (3 bns) ; 6th Kurmark LWIR (4 bns); 7th Kurmark LWIR (2 bns); Elbe IR (4th Bn). Cavalry Obst von Bismarck: 3rd, 5th and 6th Kurmark LWKRs (4 sqns each); 10 x Russian, 1 x Prussian guns.
Prussian total ca 16,000 men
Prussian losses 39 officers, 67 NCOs, 913 men killed and wounded.
Tschernitcheff's Cossacks Lt Col Prince Lapuchin: Pulks of Illowasky IV and Diätschkin. GM Illowasky IV; Pulks of Vlassov III, Balabin II and Rebrikov II. Col Melnikov V; Pulks of Melnikof IV and Melnikof V; Col Bekendorf; Pulks of Sissojev III, Giroff and Grekov XVIII, GM Count Narischin; Pulks of Andrejanov II and Lotschilin I.
Cossack total ca 4,000 men
Cossack losses Not known exactly but very light.
Sources Plotho, Sporschil, Martinien.

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