Saturday, 22 March 2008

My geocities site is again down!

Again the main website is down. The thursday I received a message from Geocities

"Dear Rafael,
Thank you for writing to Yahoo! Geocities.
We have investigated the issue you've brought to our attention and your
account now appears to be functioning properly.
We apologize for any inconvenience you may have experienced.
Thank you again for contacting Yahoo! Geocities.
Josephine Potter
Yahoo! Customer Care

However, andafter upload the information about the Battle of Kalisz, the service has been again interrumped and I am not able to access neither my Geocities account nor the webpage.
I am totally tired and annoyed, so I am considered to change my hosting service. Any alternative will be welcome.


  1. Depends on whether you're looking for free or paid hosting. For paid, I have a biased recommendation for

    Fully biased as I have a connection with HIS.

  2. If you know something about CSS and photoshop you could design and create your own design from a free blog site. That's what I'm doing at the moment with my Wordpress blogsite.

  3. Thanks for the info. I'm buying a domain name and when that was in firm I'll try another hosting service

  4. Hope you get things sorted out soon Rafa. I'm a big fan of your site :-)


  5. Hi Lee
    Thanks for your support!. I have buyed a new domain name and a web hosting space in HIS. I expect thesite was up in a couple of days!

  6. Hi Rafael,

    Hope everything goes smoothly for you with setting up the new domain. I look forward to seeing your site back up!

  7. Hola Rafa.
    ACENS te puede ofrecer un buen servicio, claro que ¡pagando!. Durante años trabajé con ellos y sin ningún problema.
    Depende un poco de todo, para mí, tú página es un servicio (por la info, los links, técnicas que explicas, etc )- y por los otros comentarios, creo que no soy el único qe piensa así-, mientras que la mía (Mi Waterloo)es una curiosidad o excentricidad.
    Sólo desearte suerte en tu decisión y que tu sitio se restablezca pronto, ¡lo necesitamos!

  8. Gracias por tu apoyo. Al final opté por HIS (me lo pasó Snickering Corpses). A ver en qué queda todo
