Thursday 10 April 2008

The battle of Kalisz is finished

I have finished the re-fight of the battle of Kalisz, the last battle of the Russian Campaign or the first of the 1813 Campaign. The played battle was a total disaster for the Saxon-French Reynier's VII Corps.
The Russian forces, led by Winzigerode, cut the Kalisz bridge (see the accompanying picture) isolating Reynier, which was obligated to gain his retreat through a cloud of Cossacks and regular Russian cavalry.
However, the von Nostitz's and von Gablenz's Saxon divisions performed heroically, making a fighting retreat before the menacing Russian cavalry.
Watch the main site for the
Scenario and the Battle in pictures.
The next battle will be the affair at Goldberg, the failed prelude to the battle of the Katzbach, between the Bluecher's Army of Silesia and the V and XI Corps under Lauriston.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Rafa
    Excellent little battle - I really enjoyed looking at the pictures on your main site. Those Russian Cavalry seemed to be very effective!
