Tuesday 27 January 2009

The Second Siege of Saragosse

Today, january 27, is the bicentennial of the Frech assault to the breaches during the second siege of Saragosse.
The siege began in december 21 and finalized in february 20. The besieged were under the command of General Palafox, whereas the French troops were under marshal Moncey, next under general Junot and finally, from january 22, under marshal Lannes. This last ordered the assault at 11 hours of 27 of January.
As night arrived, the attackers were the owners from the zone near the Gate of the Carmen, having taken 15 artillery pieces and 200 prisoners and giving death to 600 Spaniards, themselves undergoing a similar number of losses (around 800).
From that day, a new phase began: the fight house-to-house, the true "war to the knife"

Más información/more information: http://www.terra.es/personal4/filomenas/

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