Thursday 13 May 2010

Tha battle of Zahna is finished

The Lasalle re-fight of the battle of Zahna is finished with a French marginal victory.

Prussian left flankThe Prussian cavalry has achieved a stalemate in the left flank and center, while fighting the 29th Light Cavalry brigade (Westphalian Chevauleger-lanciers, Hessian Chevaulegers and Bavarian Chevaulegers Regiments) after losing two cavalry regiments, one of them because of the galling fire of the Bavarian light infantry infiltrated in the woods. The Prussian cavalry regiments resulted more fragile than their German opponents, but also achieved to stop the French advance, fixing they in square formation.

The Prussians are retiringThe Prussian infantry and artillery of the second line in the center is retiring, under the cover of the cavalry and some infantry battalions.

Zalmsdorff occupied
In the Prussian right, the French infantry has fully occupied Zalmsdorff but, tired from the combat and under the menace of the Prussian cavalry and the Cosscks, they have limited themselves to take defensive positions, without exiting from the village.
The French losses were: five battalions, four guns and three wounded Generals (Brun, Pachtod and Beaumon). On the other side, Prussian have lost eight battalions, two cavalry regiments ans six guns. Taking in account that the village of Zalmsdorff is in French hands, Oudinot is the clear victor of the battle. The type of victory (according to Lasalle) is dependent upon whether or not there is a pursuit.
The French scored seven points (seven bases of pursuing cavalry), whereas the Prussians scored fourteen points (three 'normal' cavalry unis plus nine bases of pursuing cavalry). All in all, the French achieved only a marginal victory.

In the next days I'll upload a full AAR of this battle to the main web site.


  1. All in all there are a lot of Germans on that battlefield...what battle is coming next?


  2. Very nice report and excellent minis and terrain as usual!
    Do you play on a very large table or on the floor?

  3. Matt
    I like the 1813 campaign because all the major nationalities were present: germans, austrians, russians... T don't know if the next battle woill be a grand affaire (for NB) or a minor one for Lasalle. I own some candidates:
    Pitschenberg with Napoleon and Bluecher (NB) or some encounters bteween Murat and the Army of Bohemia in the days before Leipzig (for Lasalle)

  4. Fitz
    Thanks for your kinds words!. I play on a table of 2 x 1.6 meters (i.e. 7' x 5'). Is a permanent issue in the basement of my house, so the battles would remain for weeks.
