Wednesday 9 June 2010

Wargames: a poem

From my friend Agustín Espina, artist and poet, a drawing and an untranslatable Spanish text full of images...

I am building an army of knights like little bustards, dissolute legionaries, hearthless craftsmen and despicable melancholics; to all of them, criminals, shaken in the thick net of an amber coat of arms, interspersed and reborn from their deformities, I'll remake them like stars shining over the waves of a thousand of ponds, like the light discovered by the pilgrim after a frighting night. Or may be that they don't know, or may be they only learned when awaken, that the decoy of a gridded plank was made the prey of their fate. And forgetting the things they were, they will be made knights belonging to a legion of charming archangels.

I am also posting the original Spanish text. Excuse my poor English resources

Estoy construyendo un ejército de caballeros sisones, legionarios licenciosos, artífices desalmados y melancólicos envilecidos; a todos ellos, facinerosos, agitados entre la frondosa red de un matraz de blasonado ambarino, entreverados y renacidos de sus deformidades, reharé como rayos de estrella rielando sobre las ondas de un millar de estanques, siendo como la luz que descubre el peregrino tras una noche de terrible espanto. O es que no se sabe, que ellos nunca supieron, que lo sabido, tan solo aprendieron cuando despiertos, el señuelo de una tabla reticulada se hizo presa de sus destinos. Y olvidando, lo que fueron, serán caballeros de una legión de arcángeles de viso encanto.

To see the work of Agustín watch
his site

Thanks my brother!

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