Saturday, 10 September 2011

Dresden (I)

The battle of Dresden (well, really the combat of Racknitz, but only the Saxons know of this little village!) is proceeding according to the script. The two French divisions are approaching their respective targets. The 1e division is ready to assault Zschernitz, occupied in haste by the Russian Opolchenie, and the nearby redoubt garrisoned by the Russian Jagers.

On the other hand, the 43e Division is ready to attack Racknitz, protected by the Russian artillery. The Russian guns are firing with their habitual inefficience and have failed miserably to inflict the sufficient number of losses on the advancing French infantry.
Last, in the center, the 43e division is also ready to assault the deployed regular Russian infantry and its Position battery.
The moment of truth is arriving!

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