Friday 16 November 2012

A change of plans and a Swedish "Song of Drums and Shakos" blog

With so many job and family duties my wargaming activities are again resenting, so the time horizon to play the "next battle" is becoming more and more delayed.
The only way to exit from this blocking situation seems to be a skirmish encounter using "Song of Drums and shakos", in the same way I made the last January with "The Wethau bridge" scenario.
The finding of a Swedish wargaming blog, Northern Wargaming, with a SDS scenario, at last has brought me to decide about that issue.
While I build the OOB for my Scenario, you can read the AAR of the Famined French Scenario.

Enjoy it!

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  1. I have been missing your battle reports a lot! I will be interested how these rules work out.

  2. True, your blog has been relatively quiet recently

  3. We look forward to having you back 'in action' soon!

    I have nominated you for a Liebster Blog Award. See post on our blog.
