Thursday 25 July 2013

Spanish train crash

What can I say? It is very sad huge loss of so many lives in a tragedy of such a level. Unfortunately in Galicia is not the first time that we live an unprecedented tragedy, Prestige oil spill in 2002, summer forest fires of 2006 and now this horrible train accident with at least, 78 killed and 130 injured.

I can only offer condolences to all the families of the dead, wish the best to all injured survivors and recover as soon as possible and all my support and encouragement to the people of Galicia.


  1. Sin duda trágico y muy trsite... mis condolencias también.
    Y asqueado por el tratamiento de algunos medios de comunicación

  2. Anibal: A mí me recuerda a lo de las niñas de Alcasser, con los medios peléandose por la noticia más morbosa
