Tuesday, 13 December 2011

Altenburg (IV). The end is near

Although the cavalry battle is, in general, degenerating into a series a individual combats, some regiments are making combined attacks. In that way, the Austrian Palatinal Hussars #12 Regiment is taken between the Young Guard Chasseurs and Grenadiers a Cheval, becoming broken in the proccess:

Meanwhile, the Prussian National Cavalry regiment is rejecting the Young Guard ChevauxLegers-Lanciers:

But are broken by the Grenadiers a Cheval!:

The Lorge's Chasseurs a Cheval regiments are arriving in haste to fall upon the Allied left flank:

But surprinsingly, the Gorin II cossacks achieve a victory on the flanking Chasseurs a Cheval!:

The Grenadiers a Cheval are broken by the veteran Silesian Hussars:

The Allied sense the victory upon the almost broken Young Guard remaining regiments:

The end seems near!

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  1. Impressive quantities of cavalry and good to see the allies getting the better of the Young Guard.

  2. Wow! Lots of flank charges there, Rafa. Must be a fun game to play!

  3. Tracking historically Rafa - the poor old French cavalry but a shadow of their former selves, can give good account but are overwhelmed in the end! Another great game amigo.

    Felice Navidad.


  4. Tracking historically Rafa - the poor old French cavalry but a shadow of their former selves, can give good account but are overwhelmed in the end! Another great game amigo.

    Felice Navidad.

